The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158987   Message #3764576
Posted By: akenaton
11-Jan-16 - 10:44 AM
Thread Name: The singers club and proscription
Subject: RE: The singers club and proscription
What happened between 1961 and the seventies was that certain people started taking the piss out of chorus singing, which was the backbone of the revival......the pointing and laughing brigade took the emotion and participation away and killed the genre.

It was replaced by "clever" musicians and celebrity performers, who in turn fell victim to current fashion.....there was nothing of real value left,

The present day folk music is sad and empty, musician based and produced to an academic template, not real life.
I listen to dozens of these young groups striving not for beauty or emotion, but a saleable sound. So many influences which when mixed together could be produced by a machine.

The Gaelic culture depended on participation, it has now almost completely disappeared......only the Mod(which was roundly condemned by seventies "folkies") remains as it was.

The folk process should be linked to dance as it has always been in has survived there despite the 70s and 80s "Super groups"