The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159002   Message #3764745
Posted By: Donuel
11-Jan-16 - 06:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Walkabout verse better than Vogon
Subject: RE: BS: Walkabout verse better than Vogon
To Whom it my apply;

You have proved again that anyone who exposes you
anyone who does not share your hysterical disregard for decency, human dignity and the imperfect Constitution
Must be terrorist enemies of these United States or at the minimum rude rubes.

You want to take this country back from evil people born outside an imaginary line.

Anyone who opposes you or criticizes you must be evil, lazy stupid or a traitor. If that is true there is an awful lot of traitors.

You claim with no proof solutions for us. You make dissent look like beating up protesters or hauling them away amid jeers. You champion your supports to sideswipe cars wit the wrong sticker.

Not all people insist upon the pre condition of agreeing with political principles before any possibility of conversation or friendship.

I believe as I did 50 years ago and I believe today that mature Americans can engage in conversation and controversy, the clash of ideas, with anyone in the world without becoming contaminated with hate or demand conversion.

I believe our faith in our lives, our conviction, our determination is stronger than shared hatreds sometimes called the right. The issues sometimes includes the unthinkable holocausts of evil beyond measure which sometimes goes where mere words can not go. This should not mean these inadequate words be closed and banned.

We can compete in the arena of ideas more successfully than the arena of bombs unless there comes a time when all the bombs are loosed in silence.

An open letter to Donald Trump or media editors.