The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29674   Message #376494
Posted By: Helen
17-Jan-01 - 05:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: What's Wrong With Spaw????
Subject: RE: BS: What's Wrong With Spaw????

I think you are on to something here. The Mudcatters can all pitch in and do virtual reality surgery on 'Spaw. what a riot!

In fact, I just heard on the news this morning that some mad scientist has invented a cyber equivalent of a plastic woman which can be given specific instructions by someone over a computer connection while the person is having sex with the doll. Scary!

If they can do that, and if they have invented long-distance robot controlled surgery then can be in there and paddling around with 'Spaw's heart, blood, sternum, etc etc. Woo-hoo!

But seriously, 'Spaw (oops, just typed Spay by mistake - Freudian slip??) you know I love you and one day we are actually going to meet in the world-which-passes-for-reality, so no checking out without my permission, you hear?
