The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158987   Message #3764942
Posted By: akenaton
12-Jan-16 - 12:27 PM
Thread Name: The singers club and proscription
Subject: RE: The singers club and proscription
Just been studying some nineteenth century bothy ballads from Aberdeenshire, most of the farm buildings are still there....huge culture summed up in these "comical" songs ...all life is there if you have the inclination to look.
These men had their work, their "place", even the tightness of the auld fermer boss.

When you look even closer you see that faqrmer an' worker were not really battling each other, but were involved with a titanic struggle to tame the land and raise their families.....all contained in a "spleighter o' comical blethers."

Folk music has always been about real people and real life (Ziggy Stardust nivir visited Eberdeenshire) :0)