The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158987   Message #3765454
Posted By: GUEST
14-Jan-16 - 08:48 AM
Thread Name: The singers club and proscription
Subject: RE: The singers club and proscription
"'m sure you wouldn't call MacColl belligerent and arrogant."
Nor would I describe anything he or anybody said as "rubbish" without qualifying it - "I don't agree" maybe   
"residents there, are extremely good "
I didn;'t comment on the residents - I commented on the general atmosphere an some poor performances - particularly stumbled-through crib sheets, which can drag the best of evenings down - it was a poor night, and if I'd been visiting the place (or worse still, if it was my first experience of a folk club) I would never have come back again.y
None of which answers my question - did I lie - or - if I didn't and it was just a poor night and are such poor nights acceptable?
"but if you were at the Singers Club as long and as often as you infer then you certainly knew him"
Sombody else lacking a sense of irony - I knew who you were referring to - who else would it be.
I outlined the backbiting that went on in those days and is still common - and answer came there none - again - why would there?
Jim Carroll