The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158987   Message #3765532
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
14-Jan-16 - 01:35 PM
Thread Name: The singers club and proscription
Subject: RE: The singers club and proscription
"I seem to remember Shimrod that you got very annoyed because performers were doing the actions in the "I AM A LITTLE TEACUP SONG" you appeared to want to proscribe that activity is that correct?"

Uuuummm!!?? The "I AM A LITTLE TEA CUP SONG" you say? I may have heard it - but I've only got a dim memory of it - probably as a result of its sheer crassness!. I suspect that it probably would annoy me - with or without the actions! Would I "proscribe" it though? Well, I'd probably have to be restrained from nutting the singer!

Anyway, LITTLE TEA CUP songs notwithstanding, I asked for your opinion on "proscription" GSS. I wrote:

"So it is up to the present generation of performers - like the initiator of this thread - to decide whether "proscription" is good or bad. So what do you think, GSS, is "proscription" good or bad?"