The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23242   Message #3766331
Posted By: voyager
17-Jan-16 - 01:10 PM
Thread Name: Saddest Songs, Take Two
Subject: RE: Saddest Songs, Take Two
As David Bowie sang to us all - "Young Americans" -

Ain't there one damn song that can make me
Break down and cry?

Let me add U Utah Phillips - Going Away

Going Away Lyrics

Is that the moon I see, over there in the West,
Or the head-light gleam, C&O express?
I know she's gone, What ever I say,
it won't be long 'til I make up my mind
And Go away.

Is that the sun coming up on the eastern shore,
Or just the coal bed glow behind the firebox door?
I know she's gone, whatever I say,
But it won't be long 'til I make up my mind
And go away.

Did you see that fool he can't hear the whistle
Blind old man caught out on the trestle.
Can't go up and he can't go back,
Train kept coming brushed him off the track.

Other storms may blow and the wind may rise,
Still I long to go where the fast mail flies.
I know she's gone, whatever I say,
But it won't be long 'til I make up my mind
And go away.