The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159042   Message #3766488
Posted By: GUEST
18-Jan-16 - 08:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cecil Rhodes controversy
Subject: RE: BS: Cecil Rhodes controversy
"Colosseum in Rome"
Which id an archeological monument
The barbarity of the games and what the Roman Empire stood for is well documented and common knowledge - the British Empire and it's predators are not.
Empire left the world with a legacy of mass poverty, near slave conditions for many millions, a refugee crisis, countries that were left deliberately undeveloped and divided to serve the needs of Empire.... all to be yet addressed or even acknowledged.
One of the latest exposed hangovers is this mornings announcement that the world's wealthiest 1% have as much as the rest of the world combined - but it would be "jealousy" to mention that fact, wouldn't it?
"Take it that the same "Rhodes Scholars" have no problem taking the money and opportunities afforded them from The Rhodes Trust"
That a handful of students benefit from the crumbs from the Rhodes' estate legacy doesn't alter one iota where Rhodes' wealth came from and the death, suffering and misery caused accumulating it.
Jim Carroll