The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159042   Message #3766654
Posted By: MGM·Lion
19-Jan-16 - 08:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cecil Rhodes controversy
Subject: RE: BS: Cecil Rhodes controversy
I have no particular 'view of empire'. Like most human states, empires established by those who are not merely exploitative [as it appears probable that the Belgians were], but at least up to a point in philanthropic hope of benefiting the imperialised [if that's the right word], will have their pros & cons. (I don't think we should be the society that we are had it not have been for the various conquests -- Celtic, Roman, Jutish, Norman... -- to which these islands have been subjected, whatever might be held to have been their primary motivations). I simply cite my own experience -- who, speaking personally, can do more? -- to demonstrate that the state of being so imperialised is not always resented, and can also sometimes be positively welcomed. Such feelings will not, naturally, be unanimously held among the populace in this situation; but what view ever is?
