The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159034   Message #3766833
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
19-Jan-16 - 09:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: George Monbiot on abortion rates
Subject: RE: BS: George Monbiot on abortion rates
Pete and Akenaton are itching to turn this into a debate about the morality of abortion vis a vis the occupant of the uterus. As if the mother, a full-grown autonomous individual, is not a life worthy of consideration. And her calculations on the success of said pregnancy. The article Steve linked to is titled Who's driving high abortion rates? It's the religious right and I think that is exactly right.

In this conservative state, I made sure my children understood about birth control and the responsibilities of parenthood because I knew the schools were going to sidestep the important issues. I not only want my children to grow to adulthood, I want them to be successful in their choice of partners and when to have children.

The point has been made and discussed. The lunatic fringe is a small and vocal minority, but they don't always get to direct the conversation.