The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158999   Message #3769299
Posted By: Jim Carroll
30-Jan-16 - 07:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Terrorism, Again (Israel)
Subject: RE: BS: Terrorism, Again (Israel)
"There is no consensus among historians of Israel as there is about aspects of WW1."
Christ only knows where WW1 comes into this - still smarting from the kicking you got on the subject, no doubt
Who disputes Benny Morris and on what grounds - didn't he sell his books in "Real bookshops" - can't be that he's dead.
The only criticism of Benny Morris I can find is that he tends to draw his information only from Israeli sources.
The massacres he lists, which you claim don't exist "what massacres?" - or "no massacres" - are recorded events of history - they were petitioned against by Einstein, and have never been denied - until now, by you.
"No we have not, because there is none."
Just answerd that one - the rest have never been tried because any pfficial eaxamination of them has been blocked by U.S. vetoes.
"Those quotes were fake, and you knew they were when you gave them."
Now we're back to "fake" after theme being "he didn't mean that" - you cant't even stick to your own story
Who says they are "fake" other than you?
People have tried to re-interpret them, as you have , but nobody has denied they were ever made - other than you.
Is this the line you are going with now or can we expect something else in the future?
"No, I just put their side of the story."
You are not giving the Israeli's "side of the story" - only that of the Israeli regime.
Report of massacres, of atrocities and persecution, and attemprs to set up an apartheid state, from Haraatz, from Jews for Justice, from Rabbis for Justice, from jews both inside and outside Israel - your line is only peddled from the extreme right-wing politicians who refuse to be tried for their crimes - that's waht I said - you have rejected what all Jew who don't suppore the regime have to say.   
Criticism of the Isreali by Jews has covered: Antisemitism, persecution of Palestinians, same of the Bedouins, the Blockade, massacres, using chemicals against both Palestinians and Bedouins, bringing the reputation of the Jewish people into disrepute, using "antisemitism" as a defence and by doing so, putting the wellbeing of Jews throughout the world at risk, creating an Apartheid state, encouraging Apartheid South Africa to obtain nuclear weapons.... and much much more
Even Holocaust survivors condemned Israel for the Gaza the massacres you claim have never taken place. Holocaust survivors condemn massacres
By brushing aside all these criticisms, you have adopted teh attitude that every Jew who criticisms the Israeli regime is not to be believed or regarded - that reeks of Antisemitism (and something just as sinister) in my book.
You have linked nothing, you have produced no evidence for anything - do so now, or climb down
"Disagreeing with Jim get you accused of antisemitism, "
Read what I put up Lilo and answer - that'll prove me wrong
You drift in and out of these discussions on tee tide like your air-filled namesake.
How about the information on Vanunu - that'd be a good start.
Jim Carroll