The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158999   Message #3769302
Posted By: GUEST,HiLo
30-Jan-16 - 07:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Terrorism, Again (Israel)
Subject: RE: BS: Terrorism, Again (Israel)
Jim puts up over the top rants. His arguments, if one can call those rants rants arguments , consist of venomous bile and hatred. you may call it balanced debate, I would call it by another name.
I am not blindly pro Israel. I am aware of the situation in that country and like many others, I am also aware of what needs to change, not just in Israel, but in the Middle East. To disagree with Jims views does not equate to being an islamophobe or to being a fucking disgrace. It just means that I take exception to his relentless nonsense, and his accusations of antisemitism against those who dare to disagree with him.
I think Keith and Teribus are wasting their time putting facts here, Jim is not interested in facts. He cannot see beyond his hatred. To oppose his views is not bigotry, it is essential or no reasoned debate will ever occur. It would be grand if this subject could be discussed without the usual name calling and drivel. That will not happen as long as There is support for this over the top   Fanatasism continues.
I firmly believe that the Palestinian people deserve better both from Israel, and from their own leaders. people who share Jims views will sully that discussion at every turn.
if you wish to support his views Steve. That is your affair, but I cannot support that kind of anti Israel obsession, on any grounds.