The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139333 Message #3771234
Posted By: GUEST
07-Feb-16 - 04:03 PM
Thread Name: Searching for Kai Moore
Subject: RE: Searching for Kai Moore
Deckman, I just today saw your response. I apologize for never getting back to you. My email is still the same but I may have automatically deleted your email to me because of not recognizing you. I do that a lot.
By the way, I freely admit that I don't know everyting about Kai, but I certainly don't remember her ever referring to the brother that "Man with a story" has mentioned. Were you able to verify that?
Another small detail: The limo she received was a Lincoln Town Car, not a Cadillac. I actually surveyed the damage some little critters did to it. She told me her New York agent left it to her in his will when he died. There was no mention of the Stones. If she told Bruce Weekly something different it makes me wonder what the "real" story might be. She did have a tendency to embellish.
I don't have many details about Kai's musical career. My relationship with her did not revolve around her music, although I did see her perform a couple of times way back when, but if there's anything I can help you with I surely will.
I've been contacted by her cousin Tom who wants to get in touch with you so I will pass this website on to him.