The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159214   Message #3771297
Posted By: Jack Campin
07-Feb-16 - 09:07 PM
Thread Name: trained dancers in pub sessions
Subject: trained dancers in pub sessions
In a pub session earlier this evening, with a few extremely skilled flamenco dancers, who had obviously done a lot of modern dance training as well.

I've encountered pro-level dancers in sessions in small pubs before and they always impress me. They manage to do really dramatic things in tiny cramped spaces; it's as if they have a mental phonebox around them and never poke a millimetre outside it. You know, watching them, that however explosive the act gets they are always in control and nobody is going to get their head kicked in.

Rapper teams manage the same control of space, but their act isn't as varied and unpredictable.

Contrast: anybody who's just bought a bargain-shop kilt for a rugby match and who's just been told by their fifth pint of Tennents that they can dance a reel. Arrange the bar stools in an improvised fortification.