The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159228   Message #3772089
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
11-Feb-16 - 05:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gravity solved?
Subject: RE: BS: Gravity solved?
Donuel: "The big bang resonance is a b flat waaay deep. No it is not heard but leaves visible traces."


Donuel: "The artificial ears we build to hear the music of the spheres are amazing as are the sounds when we translate them into the human hearing range. Saturn makes some remarkable songs. Check them out."


Ludwig van Beethoven: "The vibrations on the air are the breath of God speaking to man's soul. Music is the language of God. We musicians are as close to God as man can be. We hear his voice, we read his lips, we give birth to the children of God, who sing his praise. That's what musicians are."