The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159228   Message #3772101
Posted By: Donuel
11-Feb-16 - 07:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gravity solved?
Subject: RE: BS: Gravity solved?
Neutrinos are found to be 10 million times smaller than the mass of electrons. Do you think gravitons are similar?
Also do you think gravity waves can be destructive or benign if a solar system like ours was 10 light years away from an event like the one we just detected ?

from sanity to beyond ; I understand some folks are full of religinousnuts, I don't care what you believe you think you are supposed to believe. I believe in a now that is a mixture of past and future.

I analyzed Beethoven's 9th .

He overwhelmingly used the Phi ratio or the Fibbinochi sequence or what is also known as the golden mean for virtually all of his tight knit melodic themes.

I give license for [people of any century to say things to please their employers.