The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159268 Message #3773006
Posted By: CeltArctic
15-Feb-16 - 07:46 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Answer 3 questions by the king
Subject: Folklore: Answer 3 questions by the king
Hello all,
My father used to tell a traditional Scottish folktale called Donald and the Skull. There is a part of the story which I am certain I have heard in a ballad, almost verbatim. But I am damned if I can recall the name of the ballad or who I heard singing it. I am really hoping someone here will know.
The part of the story is this:
A king demands that someone answer three questions in order to avoid being executed for something. His idiot brother offers to go in his stead. He stands before the king and is asked the three questions:
King: How much am I worth? Brother: Jesus was sold for 30 pieces of silver, so you can't be worth more than that.
King: How long would it take me to go around the earth? Brother: The sun does it in 24 hours, so you can't go quicker than that.
King: What am I thinking? Brother: You think you are talking to my brother.