The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29674   Message #377326
Posted By: Dave Swan
18-Jan-01 - 07:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: What's Wrong With Spaw????
Subject: RE: BS: What's Wrong With Spaw????
Oh, sooo many things, and so little band width. A regrettable prediliction toward flatulence (also lying about it, blaming the nearest kid, dog or wife; worshiping it in song and story; devoting hours to finding the most descriptive spelling of it; searching for the definintive recipe to produce it; sniggering about it like a thirteen year-old and infecting everybody around him), a unhealthy fixation with inflicting barotrauma in small primitive marsupials, questionable fashion sense.

But, what's right with the boy? He's got a heart like a lion (current structural problems aside), the loyalty of a badger, the playfulness of an otter, the wisdom of an elephant.

He's a hell of a guy, our 'spaw. He ain't right, but he's ours and we love him. Any time spent with him is good time.

So, ol' buddy, get this warranty work done, and be well.

Remember that the health benefits at Lane, Fielding, Patterson & Swan, Layabouts at Large, entitle you to unlimited Swedish massage, Hindo-Japanese bed baths, and Micronesian cocoanut and guava pulp emollient soaks. Really, I looked it up.