The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159228   Message #3773430
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
17-Feb-16 - 06:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gravity solved?
Subject: RE: BS: Gravity solved?
I can't help noticing, Pete, that you tend to ignore awkward questions. Take the the stuff you wrote about "group think" above and my response to it, i.e.

"What you seem to be implying is that a few (?) some (?) many (?) evolutionary biologists are really closet creationists - but they are too intimidated by "groupthink" to step out of line and 'unshackle' themselves from an "evolutionist agenda".

So, Pete, what percentage (roughly) of scientists, working within the field of evolutionary biology, do you believe are closet creationists too intimidated by group think to speak out? What, if any, evidence do you have to show that any such browbeaten closet creationists exist?

In addition, do you believe that modern science is a vast anti-religious conspiracy? If it isn't a vast anti-religious conspiracy, but just plain wrong, why do so many institutions and governments devote such vast resources to it?