The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159228   Message #3773528
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
18-Feb-16 - 07:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gravity solved?
Subject: RE: BS: Gravity solved?
Dave, your minute extraction is insufficient.

Try this, as quoted by me earlier.

"To his major theological heresy, the denial of the divinity of the Second Person of the Trinity, was added suspicion of diabolical magical practices. It was probably mainly as a magician that Bruno was burned, and as the propagator throughout Europe of some mysterious magicoreligious movement. This movement may have been in the nature of a secret Hermetic sect, and may be connected with the origins of Rosicrucianism or of Freemasonry. If any philosophical or cosmological points were included in his condemnation, these would have been inextricably bound up with his "Egyptianism."

The legend that the nineteenth century built around Bruno as the hero who, unlike Galileo, refused to retract his belief that the earth moves is entirely without foundation."

She refutes that he was tried for his science.