The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159350   Message #3775259
26-Feb-16 - 08:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Qu: Regarding Religion
Subject: Gravity is solved?


The most significant scientific discovery thread about our first detection of gravity waves sans gravitons was closed by a few religionists and that has made me angry that religionists with the support of a prejudiced cowardly mod can still attack science with pithy censorship =.

A SCIENCE ADVOCATE has never actually closed a religious thread.
We are not superstitious or wish to censor religion.
We would like to see more maturity when it comes to closing important science threads even if it is attacked by religion or even psychopathic voices.

One could prove their understanding and reopen the thread about the single signature most important scientific measurement in 80 years.

Religion is a business with all the foibles of mankind and any business. AS for war see; Steve's
post .

Do you think there is such a thing as totally uncorrupt non criminal leader in any church because of religion? If it is your medicine, use it as directed and watch out for side effects.