The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159348   Message #3775462
Posted By: MGM·Lion
28-Feb-16 - 04:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK teachers emigrating
Subject: RE: BS: UK teachers emigrating
I would think that "I am going to mind my own business" might be an appropriate response, Eliza.

I remember all that bloody daft role-play Baker-days pigggibum from my very long-ago teaching days back in the 70s-80s [I realise with a start that I have now been retired, having taken advantage of some of the early retirement offers going around, for as long as I taught: I drifted into teaching as a temporary between-jobs recourse & retired 30 years later with Senior Teacher status as Head of Upper School! - still regarding it as 'temporary']. There was a trendy fool called Pearce who was called an 'advisor' by Cambs (tho anyone from whom I should be more reluctant to take any 'advice' I find it hard to think of) who was always buggering about with them. Prime example of the old "... and those that can't teach, teach teachers" syndrome, he was.
