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Thread #159213   Message #3776182
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
02-Mar-16 - 01:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Trump
Subject: RE: BS: Trump
Guest: "As someone who is unfamiliar with the finer points of US politics I would like to know if it is possible for the Repubs to disavow him, ie say that he doesn't represent them and put up another candidate?"

Trump's big angle, is that he fancies himself as a 'winning negotiator'. I think that he thinks he can 'negotiate something' to come to a compromise, with the 'party' or anything he decides, at the moment.....for just about anything HE wants...that's HIS game...and the underlining message in his book...It's All About 'The Deal'. Virtually all the outrageous claims and promises, that gave him so much controversial press, I believe are 'negotiation starting points'. He's gambling with himself, about his abilities...and the 'trophy' is 'to win the deal'....(check out his book..scan it if you don't want to read it all)...and you will get a sense of HIS GAME.......thing is, egocentrics rarely take into consideration, that there are lots of people who don't want to play....especially when their country and their freedoms are at stake.

Now, both the sad and tragic things about this all are, that a lot of his supporters, have been 'taken in'..don't see it...and don't see that this is all about him....and they will not realize the assumptions they were misled to believe, they actually had no part of partaking of the 'benefits'....they, will just be footprints left by him, while walking on his way, to close the close another one, on the way to 'Whatever-land' ...'winning the GAME'*.

* To Engage in a Game, in psych terms, is for 'an ego verification'.

Hope that all makes sense to you.
Bottom line is that NOBODY can count on what or where he would steer the nation...or for what 'end'....making up his mind, is always in 'negotiation', too. long as it is about him, and his alter-ego.......du'jour.

Hope that all makes sense to you.