The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159128   Message #3776201
Posted By: Joe Offer
02-Mar-16 - 03:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Zika vs anti-abortion cults
Subject: RE: BS: Zika vs anti-abortion cults
Where do you armchair experts get your information about the Catholic Church, anyhow? News reports?
While news reports are usually accurate, it's difficult for them to convey perspective. The news media generally focus on problems, not on successes. Good news doesn't sell papers. So, readers get the impression that the bad stuff overwhelms everything they don't have direct experience with.

I don't deny the bad aspects of the Catholic Church, but they're about 10 percent of the total experience. The mediocre and mundane account for another 50 percent or so, and the really good stuff is maybe 40 percent.

40 percent good ain't bad, unless you're obsessed with the 10%.
