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Thread #159350   Message #3776403
Posted By: GUEST,Musket
03-Mar-16 - 03:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Qu: Regarding Religion
Subject: RE: BS: Qu: Regarding Religion
Just about every Christian qualifies "thou shalt not kill"??? Really???

I have an in law about to start his first rector job after two years learning Ancient Greek and how to talk in public. I have a good friend who is a vicar. The former is clever but smiles too much and the latter sees his role as a social worker without rules. Incidentally, he uses the word metaphor rather than the word historical. He can't reconcile metaphysical nonsense with scientific reality but says that doesn't stop his bible being his moral compass.

There again I have a friend who reckons we never went to the moon and is possibly watching repeats of The X Files at this minute.

Military Padres are about as awful an interpretation of hypocrisy as I can think of. I assume their bibles are edited to remove the bits about turning the other cheek and not killing. Although presumably they convince themselves the enemy are gay witches? Both fair game to your all loving, all forgiving, all embracing god delusion.

Talk to pete about pacifism. He's a real Christian apparently.