The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159350   Message #3776411
Posted By: GUEST,Musket
03-Mar-16 - 04:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Qu: Regarding Religion
Subject: RE: BS: Qu: Regarding Religion
By the way, club rules dictate I answer for what Musket writes, and I am happy to do so. But it is me with the vicar connections not Musket who Keith quotes.

We move in mysterious ways. Although we don't kill or murder along the way. The other two Muskets have this hypocritical oath thingy and imagine if you could interpret rather than accept that? Oh, some doctors in The USA and other third world countries do. Together with prison chaplains as they work together at executions.

It's the "Christians this that and the other" bits that gets my goat. I'll tether it outside Keith's house when I get around to it.