The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159350   Message #3776416
Posted By: Jim Carroll
03-Mar-16 - 04:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Qu: Regarding Religion
Subject: RE: BS: Qu: Regarding Religion
"Just about every Christian understands that the commandment is about murder not killing."
More unpublished surveys Keith or did you ask them all personally?
Like many things, even practicing Christians, are not interested in what the gospel says or means - they leave that to the preachers and priests.
Having been subjected to a religious education, I was never told at any time that 'thou shalt not kill" meant anything other than what it said.
The fact that Christian leaders have never adhered to that has basically been ignored, just like the rich man not being allowed into heaven -a bit of long accepted hypocrisy.
There are enough quotes from the gospels to indicate that Christianity as preached was basically pacifist - the wannabe warriors among us have chosen to to either adapt or ignore those quotes which don't fit their own warlike agenda.
Rather typical is your refusal to respond to the ones that have been given.
This is a somewhat strange turnaround on your part
Not too long ago you were blaming the Muslim religion for what a few Muslims were doing - 'implanted'.
Now you are saying that Christianity is a philosophy which promotes killing; as you refuse to respond to killing for gain, I can only assume that this is also part of Christian philosophy.
Jim Carroll