The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159350   Message #3776485
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
03-Mar-16 - 10:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Qu: Regarding Religion
Subject: RE: BS: Qu: Regarding Religion
"The Methodist Church teaches that war is contrary to the spirit, teaching and purpose of Jesus Christ.

So does every other Christian Church, but it is not pacifism.

This is from a CofE site,
"5. In just war theory, criteria are set out for the legitimate resort to warfare. A war
must have a just cause, be waged by a proper authority and with a right intention,
be undertaken only if there is a reasonable chance of success and if the total good
outweighs the total evil expected (overall proportionality). It must also be waged as
a last resort and in pursuit of peace. Criteria are also set out for the conduct of war.
These are discrimination (avoiding intentional harm to non-combatants) and
proportionality of means (using such force as is essential to pursue the just cause).
6. Just war theory does not constitute a Christian ideal. The application of just war
theory is a Christian practice, not a doctrine. It is reflected in international law, but
for Christians who accept it, it is an expedient response to the challenges of living in
a fallen world."