The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159350   Message #3776607
Posted By: Jim Carroll
04-Mar-16 - 04:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Qu: Regarding Religion
Subject: RE: BS: Qu: Regarding Religion
"He preached love and forgiveness."
And once again you choose the bits of your religion which suit you and ignore the bits that don't.
The modern-day church has rationalised and adapted the Christian teaching to suit their own political agendas which is why it is in the moral mess that it is today - today it flies in the face if its own teaching by serving two masters 'God and Mammon'.
You deny that you and your church support killing for gain - perhaps you would care to respond to the examples given.
It is "Christianity" such as your that has made the church and your religion non-event that it has become - 'more power to your elbow' as they say in Ireland.
Jim Carroll