The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118406   Message #3776854
Posted By: MGM·Lion
05-Mar-16 - 03:13 PM
Thread Name: Robert Flemming, inventor of the guitar?
Subject: RE: Rbt Flemming, inventor of the guitar?
Thank you, Stim. Looking at the biggest reproduction I could find online, I think you may be right at that. This painting has an interesting recent history, having been 'kidnapped' 42 years ago, held to ransom, and only recovered by good police work.

It has long been a favourite of mine, as I lived near Kenwood House, where it 'lives', and loved it particularly, along with their two Boucher pastorals of peasants gathering cherries, in my many visits to the House until leaving London in my 30s when my late first wife won a Mature State Scholarship & we moved to Cambridge.
