The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159354   Message #3777230
Posted By: Sarah the flute
07-Mar-16 - 05:18 PM
Thread Name: New dance & folk club Blackheath London
Subject: RE: New dance & folk club Blackheath London
ooooh just seen all the comments on this
Matt we have been in touch I think
Thanks for good wishes John - yes we think we will run 2 or 3 dances together then some performance slots on reflection.
As it's only once a month we hope people will save the date in their diaries and we are hoping to have a range of cultures in the dancing too.
I guess the real difference is we will have a core band for the dancing with mics/DI but the idea is others can just jam along which hopefully means the evening will appeal to all - musicians, dancers and singers ...well that's the idea
