The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159350   Message #3777609
Posted By: Jim Carroll
09-Mar-16 - 08:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Qu: Regarding Religion
Subject: RE: BS: Qu: Regarding Religion
"Why not just discuss the issues."
The issue is religion - you have decided to take part in this and you have shown yourself to be more interested in defending the non-Christian (by your own admission) sale of arms to despots than you have honestly defending why you believe it is a correct thing to do as a Christian nation.
"Examples please"
You've been given them over and over again - the sale of weapons to despotic regimes such as Saudi Arabia an Bahrain at the time when the Arab people were seeking to free themselves of those despots.
The sale of arms to both sides of the conflict in Libya.
The sale of ammunition, riot control equipment and other military goods at the time Assad was shooting down thousands of civilians on the streets of Homs - also the sale of chemicals capable of being used in the manufacture of chemical weapons.
You defend this openly and have done for as long as it has been an issue.
"But I do condemn it, as I keep saying!!"
Where have oyu specifically condemned the British Government - nowhere - on the contrary, you have made excuses as to why they are maybe not as bad as others.
It doesn't matter a tuppeny damn who else sells them - the British Government represents
"Amnesty disagrees"
Other opinions
Now lets have your list of those who say Britain isn't selling arms to killers !!!
Christian my arseum
Jim Carroll