The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159463   Message #3778396
Posted By: Steve Shaw
12-Mar-16 - 07:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: usage: 'an honest' v 'a honest'
Subject: RE: BS: usage: 'an honest' v 'a honest'
I've been at pains not to comment on the differences between American and British English. Yes, most Americans are simple-brained tossers, as we all know, yet in many, even most, regards, their spellings appeal, and my research indicates that the more imperialistically-inclined Brit would be wise to do some scholarship before dissing American English. "Practice/practise" should indicate the side of the Atlantic the writing emanates from. That's fine by me. But a Brjt writing to his student that he should practice every day is illiterate. A yank wouldn't be. "History" is not so clear-cut as "honest" and "hour." I prefer to drop the h myself but I would never accuse h-retentionists of illiteracy, as long as they knew what they were doing. Likewise, I talk of an hotel I'm going to stay in. If I see "a hotel" in print I wouldn't jib. But if you said it aloud to me I'd start feeling sorry for you.