The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29685   Message #377865
Posted By: Grab
19-Jan-01 - 01:01 PM
Thread Name: Hungerstrike commemerations...
Subject: RE: Hungerstrike commemerations...
Paddymac, I'd like to put in a word for the British government, if you don't mind. Both sides were given the opportunity to sort out their differences in a democratic manner, but refused to do so. The walk-out from the NI parliament by both sides bcos they both thought the British government was favouring the other side tends to demonstrate that - I've heard journalists say that when you get equal criticism from both sides of the argument, you've been fairly impartial! If the Unionists and Republicans simply refuse to form a joint parliament, there really isn't much that the British government can do about it except to start governing NI themselves again.

Note that I'm not trying to defend anything in the past - much of it is indefensible, and I won't pretend I'm not ashamed of some of the things done in the name of the country I live in. But to say that the British government and the RUC are beating and murdering ppl, now, today, contradicts the facts - it just ain't so.

Certainly there are murders going on - these appear to be committed by extremist terrorists on both sides of the divide. The punishment beatings are still going on from the "normal" IRA and UVF, and several families have been forced to flee their homes after IRA members came in and told them to leave or be killed. Don't forget that the "paramilitary" organisations run drug-dealing, prostitution and protection rackets to finance themselves, and the guys running these are fighting for their criminal livelihoods, not for any cause.

I will second you and InOBU in appreciation of those (on all sides) who used peaceful methods to demonstrate against the violence - I respect them for their strength and courage, and I believe that their cause was and still is a good one.
