The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159479   Message #3778732
Posted By: Steve Shaw
14-Mar-16 - 06:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: I Love this Idea
Subject: RE: BS: I Love this Idea
Well, Joe, you're the man who sees God in the stars. You may claim that you know the science of stars as well as the finest astrophysicist, and you may well do for all I know. But your in-depth knowledge should teach you that the stars, wondrous and beyond human scale that they are, are still functioning parts of the universe, no more or no less than that pile of mud at the roadside or the stuff you flush down the lavvy. You don't look at a turd, I presume, and claim to see God. If not, though, given your approach, why not?

The only truth you will find is the truth that can come from genuine scientific endeavour. Sneaking an impossible God into any explanation of just about anything is dereliction of intellect. That's what limits you and what narrows your thinking. And I must have told you at least a million times, or twenty, or maybe about eight, that trying to sneak God into evolution means two things: you don't understand what evolution is, and you are ignorantly trying to turn the theory on its head.