The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45842   Message #3778884
Posted By: GUEST,Cc
14-Mar-16 - 10:35 PM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: Old Richmond Prison (from Ralph Stanley)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Old Richmond Prison (Ralph Stanley)
1 meaning
Deep in the hills, way down in Virginia,
Was where I lived for 23 years.
While driving one day, just ridin' for pleasure,
Just ridin' for pleasure, I'd had a few beers.
I shot the sheriff of Buchanan county,
They threw me in jail Without any bail.
They tried me, in Buchanan county,
For a crime that was done on the Dickenson side,

The jury came in, with a verdict on Monday,
They said I was guilty and had to do time,
Eighteen years, in Old Richmond Prison,
Eighteen years, seems like 49.

My thoughts go back, to my home in the mountains,
To Buchanan County, near the Dickenson line,
To Buchanan County, near the Dickenson line