The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159479   Message #3779112
Posted By: Steve Shaw
15-Mar-16 - 09:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: I Love this Idea
Subject: RE: BS: I Love this Idea
"And Steve Shaw has said the same thing time and time again, although no doubt he'll deny it"

No doubt my arse. I have said the same thing and I won't deny it. Why should I. It's fine for you to harbour whatever delusions you like. I've illustrated Musket's Owls delusion time and time again. He's illustrated his delusion that I have a Liverpool delusion time and time again. Delusions make us human, not Vulcans. It's also fine to tell your kids about your delusions. But you tell your kids that your delusions contain deeper truths. You've told us that too, and you back it up by telling us how long you studied in a seminary. You send them to schools to sit in classrooms under crucifixes where they will be made to say daily prayers which are replete with bogus certainties. That school will herd your children off to services at which your delusions will be asserted as truths. You will do the same thing yourself on Sundays, justifying the practice by convincing yourself that you are involving them in a worthwhile community of people whose common characteristic is that they all harbour the same delusion as you. You will have had them "christened" whilst still tiny babies, so that you can call them "Catholic children." "Catholic children." What an obscenity. And if you don't do this with your children, almost none of them would ever sign up later as Catholics. Which is why you do it. The only way the Catholic Church, or any other religion for that matter, can survive is by signing up children before they're old enough to make up their own minds. I suppose seminaries are too busy with theology to tell you that.