The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159479   Message #3779981
Posted By: Donuel
20-Mar-16 - 09:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: I Love this Idea
Subject: RE: BS: I Love this Idea
Ah great wizard of Muldroney   , spirit of the forward slice of the loaf of time may you regale us of 200 years hence via the entangled transmitter in MORSE CODE OR BINAY WHICH EVER YOU PREFER.


When old Dude said there are no black holes he was absolutely right.
(btw Dan, it is safe to enter now) When you simply look at all the different kinds and sizes of collapsing exploding rebounding stars a black hole is just a critically large rebounding star that will eventually explode in a colossal bang second only to a big bang type explosion.

The fact we have only "heard "one of these go off is because long ago there were many fewer black holes than today.

Right this second thousands of black holes are in the process of exploding but their mass has curved spacetime t the point time stopped to the point when one of our seconds equals 10 billion years to the exploding rebounding star that s in a gravity hole from our perspective.

We have seen stars collapse as their nuclear fuel runs out and at its core only a neutron star exists. some collapse into a magnet state or magnatar. Some just collapse to a white or brown dwarf. But stars many tines the size of our sun burn out their mass collapses into a gravity well we call a black hole. It can continue to grow and will explode again but time moves so slow as to be stopped at its core.

I assure you the super neutron like star now composed of neutrinos packed solid eventually will rebound and explode, but man may have evolved into a cyber entity or not exist at all in a future so distant.

Hawking says "black holes" will evaporate and then make a small explosion.

I say it will explode but in such slow motion it will be a miraculous sight to behold. Stopped at first and grow more rapid over hundreds of years.

The holy question is what would an explosion of that magnitude expel?
elements, hydrogen, big bang components of different energies?
creation or cataclysm?