The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159548   Message #3780708
Posted By: GUEST,JB
23-Mar-16 - 04:54 PM
Thread Name: Uncomfy with Kickstarter appeals?
Subject: RE: Uncomfy with Kickstarter appeals?
4 days studio time, £800-£1000, Record material that is well rehearsed, and will not take too many takes, another few hours of the engineers time mixing and mastering. Find a friend who knows a bit about graphic design to do the artwork, and a good replication company who will do an initial short run, with complete production costs of around £2.00-£3.00 per unit, sell for £10.00 and if you are an artist worth your salt and people will purchase your disc, you'll soon be in profit, and banking money to fund the next recording. Easy!