The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159570   Message #3781062
Posted By: GUEST,Eliza
25-Mar-16 - 08:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: An Easter Question
Subject: BS: An Easter Question
This has always puzzled me, and I wondered if anyone on here could enlighten me.
We are told Jesus' body was left in the tomb overnight wrapped in a shroud. When the open tomb was discovered on Easter Sunday, this gravecloth was found neatly folded, but Jesus had disappeared.
Soon afterwards he was seen by various folk, walking about quite the thing. Now what was he wearing? And where had he obtained the clothes?
Also I presume he wore some form of sandals. Where had he managed to find them? I just can't explain this. Even if he'd pinched them from somewhere, he'd have been naked as he came out from the tomb. Very strange...