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Thread #159570   Message #3781365
Posted By: GUEST,Eliza
26-Mar-16 - 05:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: An Easter Question
Subject: RE: BS: An Easter Question
In my husband's culture (Malinke/Muslim Senoufou ivorian) foreskins are buried wrapped in a large leaf under the floor of the family hut (earth floor) but this is in the remote villages. I must ask him what happens to them in the city of Abidjan. As most of the shanty shack floors are solid concrete, they'd need a pneumatic drill to make a hole.

Joe, I often concern myself with the details as it's among them one can verify the big story. (A bit like Sherlock Holmes.) I tend to subscribe to the explanation that Jesus was in the form of a very clear 'apparition' so he could walk through walls and so on. Thus the clothes would be part of the vision and not actually real clothes at all. I'm rather suspicious of doctrine which counters a perfectly reasonable doubt with "Well, it's so, and you should concentrate on the spiritual and holy side of things, not quibble like this!" If I'm going to subscribe to an entire religion I like to read the small print so to speak. Jesus' disciples were men of their age; they hadn't the benefit of modern science and knowledge. We have, and should be allowed to exercise them.

I've taught eight year-olds for thirty years and know only too well the pertinent questions with which they interrupt a gripping story. But that's natural scepticism and a very healthy thing.

Musket, my biggest stumbling block with accepting God is the point you make above. If he's all powerful, whatever is his mindset regarding the unspeakable suffering and pain inflicted in his name all over the world. My sister says it's people doing it not God. But presumably with a wave of his hand he could put a stop to it all. She says 'free will'. But I sometimes wonder if he has any pity in him at all. When I pray I often have a rant at him about this, but one has to 'let it go' or faith would wither completely.