The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159585   Message #3781684
Posted By: Charmion
27-Mar-16 - 01:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sick. Really Sick [NRA Fairy Tales & Guns]
Subject: RE: BS: Sick. Really Sick [NRA Fairy Tales & Guns]
Where are the doctrinaire feminazis when we need themÉ

If I recall correctly, Gretel is the hero of Hansel and Gretel. She keeps Hansel alive by advising him to postpone his date with Baking Day by offering a chicken bone when the witch wants to feel of him to see how short his flesh is, until the day Gretel can get in there and stage the great Cage Break. Then, under Gretel's capable leadership, the children lure the witch into the bakehouse, shove her into the oven and slam the door on her, resulting in an extra-large batch of Long Pig Barbecue. The story should be called Gretel and Hansel, in my admittedly arrogant opinion.

Little Red Riding Hood, channeling her inner Goody Two-Shoes, follows the advice so often given to children to "find a grown-up" and delegates the wolf-killing task to the Woodsman (or Huntsman in some versions), who then capably does the deed.

The presence of firearms in either story would deprive the protagonist of an opportunity to demonstrate grrrlpower. That would be bad.