The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159570   Message #3781836
Posted By: Raggytash
28-Mar-16 - 08:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: An Easter Question
Subject: RE: BS: An Easter Question
""My own Catholic upbringing had little to do with ideology. It was growing up in an interesting, rich tradition that I enjoyed - and I received an exceptionally good (and critical) education in the practices of that tradition and the reasoning behind those practices."

In the UK we have many traditions, Morris Dancing, Cheese rolling, Plough Monday, Swan Upping, Well Dressing, Maypole Dancing and countless others. All these things have a long and rich history. They can be fascinating, educational and some times bloody great fun but I doubt if anyone who either attends or partakes in these rites believe the reasons that were given originally for the tradition to start.

Take Well Dressing for instance. Wells are garlanded with clay tablets on which pictures are created using flower petals. The Peak District in Derbyshire is probably the area were this is carried out most and it is a joy to behold but I doubt if most people believe to old traditional meaning which was this was done to ensure the purity of the water and give thanks for the same.

The ideology has gone, was needed really in the first place. People have grown up and found that the practices and rituals were totally unnecessary.

It could be an idea if religions were to do the same.