The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159570   Message #3782380
Posted By: Senoufou
31-Mar-16 - 02:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: An Easter Question
Subject: RE: BS: An Easter Question
Interesting Joe. I don't think people expect God to come down and fix stuff, but rather, they wonder why he doesn't. After all, he's supposed to be able to do anything isn't he? And as for the idea that it's up to the good people to overcome the evil in the world, that's not always possible is it? At least, not at our present level of technology and medical advancement. Scientists have been struggling with malaria for centuries, but although it's said we're on the brink of a vaccine, it's not available yet. Ditto with cancer, HIV, and a myriad other dangerous and ghastly diseases. I have seen some sights and had some experiences in Africa which would make anyone weep. And who 'created' these diseases? Allegedly, a 'father-like' and benevolent deity, who seems not to weep at all.

I also consider terrible drought, famine, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes and other major disasters. No human being is responsible for those, and there's very little we can do about them. How can God watch the suffering they cause without feeling immense pity and sorrow? Jesus said in the Bible God can move mountains, demolish and rebuild temples etc. Then why doesn't he intervene and protect us?

My Muslim husband is far more submissive and accepting of God. He just says everything is 'the will of Allah' and we mustn't question it. He's always saying 'insh Allah' even when I merely say "We'll go up the city tomorrow'. ie it's entirely up to God what does or doesn't happen, and everything he decides is good. When his young brother died in agony of cerebral malaria after three days of suffering, the family comforted themselves by saying it was 'the will of God'. It's a bit like the typical British mantra "Mustn't grumble." I just can't think like that. I always want to know WHY? WHY?