The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159570   Message #3782494
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
31-Mar-16 - 04:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: An Easter Question
Subject: RE: BS: An Easter Question
The difficulty I have with god (little g - I do not believe it is a proper noun) is that it can only be accepted from a position of faith. Not logic or science but faith. I cannot say it does not exist, nor can I say it does. No-one can. Yet this mythical entity has, perhaps, been the cause of more suffering that anything else on this Earth.

I think I am a good person in general. My children have all grown up to be fine people themselves. My grandsons are heading that way. I do not steal. I have not killed anyone (yet!). I do not lie. I give everyone the respect they deserve. This comes from within, not from the rules laid down by the church or from some spirit in the sky.

I am heartily tired of these arguments yet I keep being told that it is me (an atheist) that is causing them. I am not. Honest! I was told, in my youth, that the likes of me will be damned to eternal damnation. Now I am told that was nonsense. People out there, influential people of all faiths, are still saying that their imaginary friend is better than everyone elses and all others are wrong. They are still killing and dying for an idea that is only a position of faith. And people wonder why religion gets a bad name. Sheesh.

If everyone got together and told the Mullahs and Pastors and Shamans who are perpetrating the hate and violence that the message is wrong then maybe this world would be a better place. Worth a try surely?