The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159633   Message #3782736
Posted By: Senoufou
02-Apr-16 - 03:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Triage, or 'where am I'
Subject: RE: BS: Triage, or 'where am I'
keberoxu, this is very interesting. I know exactly what you mean about people 'shouting' and getting aggressive on a forum, (and in real life) I agree that mostly, their ideas are firmly fixed, and they are reacting with strops rather than considering other viewpoints. That type will probably never adjust their opinions or learn very much at all about other people.
What upsets me a lot is the disgraceful name-calling and outright insulting comments that some posters here have slung around. Some threads have degenerated into a shameful slanging match of rudeness and childishness. However, I did notice that many of the offenders were actually members, so I can't see how the new rules will stop them.
I'm truly sorry you grew up in a noisy, shouty household. I've been a teacher all my working life, and have met several families where everyone bellows at everyone else, and no-one is heard. It has a marked effect on the personalities of the children. They either become aggressive bullies themselves, or retreat into a timid, subdued silence. It isn't healthy either way.
I often look at the Mumsnet site, and I notice there that over-aggressive posts or insulting, unacceptable comments are immediately withdrawn. Posters can 'report' a nasty post, and it seems to be monitored very assiduously. It's a huge money-making venture of course, with a large staff. But you don't see any vicious nastiness on there. It's censorship, I see that, but in any community one has to have a modicum of good manners, or the whole thing descends into some gruesome and bitter slanging match.