The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159633   Message #3782818
Posted By: Backwoodsman
02-Apr-16 - 11:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Triage, or 'where am I'
Subject: RE: BS: Triage, or 'where am I'
I know several members personally, at least one of them being one that many others here complain bitterly about (he's a very nice, likeable guy in The Real World, a nice guitar-player and singer, and extremely dry and witty).

I've also revealed my true identity to several who I haven't met, but with whom I feel safe to 'open up'.

I don't care about true identities, I'm happy so simply 'know' someone as they present themselves here. All I need to know is that, when I'm interacting repeatedly with "x', it's 'x' I'm speaking and listening to every time.

Eliza - my pleasure! Just glad to have you around again. 👍😄