The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159633   Message #3782901
Posted By: Janie
02-Apr-16 - 09:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Triage, or 'where am I'
Subject: RE: BS: Triage, or 'where am I'
No, Steve, wasn't implying anything. Perhaps I misunderstood your statement re getting up people's noses and not wishing to have it any other way. Regardless, I am not pointing fingers. Just trying to communicate, and apparently not very effectively.

My Alma Mater, UNC, is at half-time in the semi-final game for the National collegiate basketball championship - so a little distracted. We are ahead so far - Go Tarheels!

I note your post re previous bad blood. Free speech is always wild and woolly, and it would be a mistake for anyone to think that there was ever a time of Peace, Love, Respect for Everyone on Mudcat.

Also a mistake to think that the changes on the Mudcat forum and people moving away can be entirely, or even mostly attributed to "the usual suspects". Funny thing, that "usual suspects" term. When people use it, they assume all are in agreement as to who the 'usual suspects' may be, but I doubt that is the case.

But "the usual suspects" whoever one may include in that group, are made scapegoats to a certain extent. Fact is, dynamic communities change. People move in and move out, life circumstances change, interests change, friendships solidify and develop more outlets for expression than the venue where folks first connected, we get older, or the excitement becomes habituated = familiarity may breed not necessarily breed contempt, but may lead to not stimulating so many creative juices with familiarity.

I miss the neighborhood where I grew up and I miss the Mudcat of 10 years ago. But I can't say that if the Mudcat of 10 years ago was the Mudcat of today, that at this time in my life it would stimulate my own creative juices or amuse me as it did then.

I may experience some nostalgia for times in the past, not only on Mudcat but in 3D, and that is ok. May we all remember sweet memories more than sour memories. But I also know that going backwards rarely is very satisfying.