The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159570   Message #3783159
Posted By: DMcG
03-Apr-16 - 06:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: An Easter Question
Subject: RE: BS: An Easter Question
I'd go further, Joe: the whole concept of goalpost is misleading. You can see how the history might have played out. You start from the golden rule of loving God and your neighbour,(whether in Christianity or not). Then someone with a binary sort of mind asks how you know you are giving God enough attention. Equally black and white clergy then start inventing rules saying no meat on Friday (taking the example above). Next someone asks what happens if I break the rule? So the legalistically minded start setting punishments and rewards and the whole thing develops into a whole mess of rules and regulations for no real reason except to transform the golden rule - which is necessarily entirely dependant on the exact circumstance of that particular person in that precise situation - into a set of rules and regulations that are completely rigid and don't take the situation into account at all.

So to my mind if 'moving the goalposts' is getting rid of some of this well meant but ultimately obstructive legal dross to get back to the central commandments, it can only be a good thing. Sorry to everyone, in or out of the church, who likes nice clear rules, but we are talking about life, and life isn't like that.