The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159652   Message #3783948
Posted By: Joe Offer
07-Apr-16 - 05:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: TRUMP [was: 'he's in the way of ME']
Subject: RE: BS: 'he's in the way of ME'
Ake says: What I meant was, do all Americans vote strictly on Party lines?

I call myself a "radical moderate," but I guess I have to admit that many people think I'm a horrible liberal and don't deserve to live. I try to listen to all positions and understand and respect what they have to say. But it's been a long time since I've heard a Republican I could respect. When Bill Clinton was President, Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich did his best to cripple the government. Then there was George W. Bush, who "never had a lick o' sense." And then there was the Tea Party and the concerted effort to block anything and everything President Obama attempted to accomplish. Obama did his best to take the middle road, but he was blocked in every direction he tried to go.

So, while I believe in a two-party system, I haven't been able to vote for a Republican in any two-party election. Occasionally, I'll vote a Republican primary ballot to keep a conservative extremist from winning the Republican nomination.

But once upon a time, there were moderate Republicans, people I might have voted for.
